Letters Archive
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Letter Subject: I hired this guy to stare at you (Blog post from November 12, 2024 at 10:01pm)
🎶 Listening to: Price of Freedom by Takeharu Ishimoto
💭 Thinking about: This guy
💞 Excited for: Staring
I hired this guy to stare at you.

Love, Aerith
Letter Subject: Growing Pains (Blog post from October 11, 2024 at 11:02pm)
🎶 Listening to: Black Spasmodic by A Tribe Called Quest
💭 Thinking about: Basil white chocolate macaron
💞 Excited for: Starting a new job
It's been a while since I've updated the blog!
Or the website in general, really. I've been pretty busy. I moved in with my partner, and it's been hard to find a moment to catch my breath. I live near the beach now, so I've been enjoying taking walks along the boardwalk as often as I can. It's also great being able to spend time with my partner every day.

When I have energy, I'd like to spend some more time updating Strange and Wonderful. I still have essays I want to write, and I want to finish my fanfiction Get Behind Me's final chapter. I also have some ideas for more fanfiction stories I want to create. Clerith gives me feels like no other ship does.
The used games store in my new town is super cute. I visited today for the first time. They had a discs-only copy of FFVII for something like 49 dollars, which I thought was expensive, but it's probably a reasonable price considering how popular the series is.
They were actually playing a cover of Aerith's Theme when I walked in, which was funny. They went on to play Sephiroth's next. I have a job here, but it's not going to give me enough hours, so I'm considering applying there as well. It'd be nice to work at a place like that.
That's probably enough word vomit. I hope I find some creative energy soon. I hope everyone sees something beautiful today.
Love, Aerith
Letter Subject: Tiny TV (Blog post from August 31, 2024 at 10:04pm)
🎶 Listening to: Simulation Swarm by Big Thief
💭 Thinking about: Sleeping it off
💞 Excited for: Playing Kingdom Hearts (Thanks to my friend!)
Soon, I'll be moving in with my partner, and our space will be much smaller. For a while, I thought I wouldn't be able to bring my PS2 at all... Then it occurred to me I could get a tiny TV!
I wanted a 13" CRT and managed to find one on an online marketplace for a decent price. I went to get it in a town I'd never been to before. The seller was super nice. I was glad for that, because I'd never used that marketplace before.
Shortly afterwards, I was set to go with my new son, tiny TV. Then it started pouring rain... then my low tire pressure light came on...
The first place I stopped had a broken air pump, so that was pointless. The second place I stopped was fine, but my tires were still throwing a hissy fit. I think it's the weather.
In any case, tiny TV and I made it home. Only for me to discover that my PS2 has the wrong RCA cable...

Tiny TV, why treat me this way when I love you so much?! In any case, I (despairingly) ordered some new cables - the correct RCA cable, and an adapter so the mono audio input won't be an issue. They should be here soon.
Despite the trials and tribulations, I'm glad to have tiny TV in my life. I expect we'll have some excellent adventures together in the coming year.
Love, Aerith
Letter Subject: First Blog Post (Blog post from August 20, 2024 at 11:08pm)
🎶 Listening to: Sinking Boat by Infinity Song
💭 Thinking about: Mango ice cream
💞 Excited for: A trip to the bookstore tomorrow
Looks like I've successfully got this working. Hey everyone!
I made this website on a whim, and it's totally taken over my brain since I started. Whoops...
I'm excited to keep making things in the future. In the meantime, check out this meme that I had as a space filler when I first started the site:

Talk to you soon!