What's FFVII? Blog Posts Art Gallery Fanfiction Photo Gallery Essays Site Owner Directory


Featured OST:
Hurry! from Final Fantasy VII

Featured Artwork:

Featured Fanfiction:
To be added...

Featured Essay:
To be added...

Full Site Directory

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What's Final Fantasy VII?

Letters from Aerith (Blog Posts)
- Blog Post Archive

Art Gallery

- "Every Five Minutes"
- "Get Behind Me": Chapter 1
- "Get Behind Me": Chapter 2
- "Follow Across"

Photo Gallery


Site Owner About Page

Full Site Directory (You are here)


Why Him Arm?

Progress and Goals

For tracking website progress and goal setting.


Header, navigation links, basic site layout, footer
Created a 3-container layout for homepage that actually makes sense to me
Containers for different parts of the page with borders
No text overlap issues on mobile
Added music player, correctly sized it for its container without Javascript
Comment box!!!
All main pages are added, 8/9 complete
Made gallery CSS for all gallery pages that's customizable for different needs
Added image header
Created blog system and archive page
Created fanfiction system and individual fanfiction pages
Created a mailing list


Pages I want to add: Site history with screenshots
Long term goals: Forum page

Need to make a button!! Then make a page for neighbors and other sites I like.

This website was created on August 11, 2024 and was last updated on August 31, 2024.


Comment box credit: Virtual Observer